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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Islamofascists call for 'holy war' against Ethiopia

Holy war is declared as Ethiopian troops aid Somali government.

SOMALIA'S top Islamic leader yesterday declared holy war on Ethiopia in a plan to drive out troops the largely Christian nation sent to protect the vulnerable, internationally backed Somali government.

Islamic forces control more of Somalia than the government and have made clear they consider themselves the legitimate authority.

I am calling on the Somali people to wage a holy war against Ethiopians in Baidoa," Sheik Aweys, who the US government says has ties to al-Qaeda, said. "They came to protect a government which they set up to advance their interests. We must defend our sovereignty."

The Islamic group organised anti-Ethiopian demonstrations in the capital yesterday and militiamen shot dead two people who joined a daring counter-demonstration against Islamic rule in the city. continued

Ya know, I have a real problem with the suit-n-tie holy rollers knocking on my door with their pamphlets trying to twist my ecumenical arm, but at least they leave my doorstep without blowing up the place or shooting my family. It's appears to be kind of different in the muslim world. Convert or die is what the islamofascists are saying...all over the globe.