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Friday, July 21, 2006

Maybe Con-Ed should ask al-queda why?

25,000 without power in Queens

A blackout affecting an estimated 100,000 people in Queens -- which entered its fifth day Friday -- is 10 times worse than the power company had previously reported, Con Edison said.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, speaking on his weekly radio show, said he was "annoyed" by the new estimate -- 25,000 customers without power -- because "we might have thrown more resources into the area."

Bloomberg later made the 100,000 estimate at a news conference, noting that the term "customer" can refer to more than one household. The term "customer" can refer to more than one household, or even an entire apartment building.

"The sad thing is, this shouldn't have happened," Bloomberg said. "We don't know why, but the most important thing -- make sure nobody dies or gets hurt and then continued