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Monday, July 31, 2006

This is how this thing will play out.

Let's face it, most of the political reactionism pervading central Asia and the Mid-East is rooted in a barbaric seventh century cult philosophy that despises compromise, defies logic, eschews forgiveness and uses death & destruction to justify its daily existence in an effort metastasize the whole world with its fascist ideology.

Also, we all know that the U.S. of A. is heavily invested in the success of an independent Iraqi republic rooted in democractic principles much the same way it is heavily invested in the success of another democratic republic in the Mid-East... Israel. This way of thinking holds true for Afghanistan, as well.

Now, the U.S. of A. will walk a diplomatic tightrope by publicly telling Israel to show restraint and deal in good faith to broker a cease fire, but privately the U.S. of A. will tell Israel to swiftly kick in hezbollah's teeth, then get back over the border. Too much is at stake in the muslim lands of Iraq and Afghanistan for this to get old and ugly. The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan can corral their rabid anti-zionist citizens for only so long before it all boils over from the sunni pot onto the shiite stove top and all across the Mid-East floor hoping to cook all the Jewish flesh just like the nazi cauldrons. If its one thing that the muslims hate more than swaggering Americans on their property, its a Jew drawing a breath anywhere on the planet.

More than likely Israel will tell the U.S. of A. to go eat pork because Israel has hezbollah pigs to kill. Either fight or shut-up. Israel is way too close to the fires in the kitchen to care about being polite to its perenial benefactor and the monumental error of relinquishing the conquered Lebanese territory back in 2000 is proving to be a bloody tragedy.

The rallying cry from the Arabs will be led by the Syrians and echoed by the Lebanese, but nothing much will come of it except Israel resuming its domination of the region. Iran will remain the man behind the curtain and Egypt will be a stoney diplomat. Nobody else will touch this conflict: Russia won't... China won't... Europe still hates the Jews, but they're scared of their own shadow. Nope, only the U.S. of A. and Australia (who already has citizens in the Israeli army) will offer any support to the Israelis.

The only wild card in this current conflict will be a dirty bomb smuggled into Israel or hezbollah unleashing saddam's non-existant chemical weapons that are now hiding in Syria. In the end, the real tragedy is going to be the lost momentum and progress by the U.S. of A. in Iraq and Afghanistan. You know its bad when GW uses profanity on an open mike. The U.S. of A. will just have to learn that it cannot support a Jewish state and be taken as a serious ally by any muslim nation. It all has to do with that barbaric seventh century cult philosophy.