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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Turkish Commandos on Iraqi Border

Turkey, who warned Iraq and the United States just a day ago that it was "losing patience" over the presence of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) on Kandil Mountain, is now preparing for a cross-border operation.

Turkish troops close to the Iraqi border were put on alarm, and all military leave has been cancelled.

Commando squads were deployed to the Iraqi border and massive inland operations are now being prepared.

The previous day, Ankara told the US and Iraq it was "losing patience," and that it remained resolute in its attitude to the PKK presence in northern Iraq.

Commando squads from the provinces of Bolu and Kayseri were deployed to critical areas in the Sirnak region.

The 21st Gendarmerie Brigade located in Yuksekova, Hakkari, deployed troops along the Iraqi border.

A massive operation was launched to eradicate PKK militias in the region.

The mountainous areas in particular are being targeted with air strikes from Cobra helicopters.

To prevent terrorist infiltrations from northern Iraq, Turkish forces have been continued

Looks like another monkey in the wrench.........