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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Diminished capacity

We are all aware of the visual lies oozing from the lair of hezbollah and their enablers. At the end of this blog post, I found a damning commentary for the cesspool of propoganda which modern media seems eager to drown itself.

Whatever else, the event in Qana was a human tragedy. But the photographs do not show it honestly. Rather, they have been staged for effect, exploiting the victims in an unwholesome manner. In so doing, they are no longer news photographs - they are propaganda. And, whoever said the camera cannot lie forgot that photographers can and do. Those lies have spread throughout the world by now and will be in this morning's newspapers, accepted as real by the millions who view them.

The profession of photo-journalism thereby is sadly diminished by them, and the trust in those who took them and in those who carried them is misplaced. Truly, we are dealing with loathesome creatures.

Heads up to this guy.