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Thursday, August 24, 2006

German train bomb suspect arrested in Lebanon

Go figure.

BERLIN (Reuters) - A Lebanese man suspected of planting a bomb on a German train last month as part of a failed terrorism plot has been arrested after turning himself in to authorities in Lebanon, the German federal prosecutor said. The suspect, identified as a 20-year old named Jihad Hamad, is one of two men authorities believe tried to set off bombs on separate trains in the cities of Dortmund and Koblenz.

The other suspect, a 21-year old Lebanese man named Youssef Mohamad E.H., was arrested in the northern German city of Kiel on Saturday as he was apparently attempting to flee the country.

The bombs, hidden in suitcases and made with propane tanks and crude detonating devices, failed to go off but authorities have said they could have killed many if they had detonated.