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Friday, August 25, 2006

Get a bigger hammer.

It is sad but true that identity theft is only a mouse click away, but you don't have to gift wrap it for the criminals!
UK bank details sold in Nigeria.

Bank account details belonging to thousands of Britons are being sold in West Africa for less than £20 each, the BBC's Real Story programme has found. It discovered that fraudsters in Nigeria were able to find internet banking data stored on recycled PCs sent from the UK to Africa.

Anti-fraud expert Owen Roberts said simply deleting files was not enough. "It is surprising how easy it is to obtain documents people leave on their computers," said Mr Roberts, who is head of identity fraud at CPP Group.

With technology moving at breakneck speed, and the recycle mantra ringing in our ears, out with the old is leaving us more and more vunerable to 'data trawling' off of old hard drives.
The best solution is to remove the old drive and smash it to bits!
Cathartic & practical.