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Sunday, August 13, 2006

I see how ya are....

Netherlands 'does most for poor'.

The Netherlands is the rich nation which does the most to improve lives in developing countries, a Center for Global Development (CGD) report says.

...despite the US giving the largest amount of aid that donation was the smallest in relation to the size of its economy...

America was also criticised for its handling of aid in Iraq...

Of course they were

Wait, wait. It gets better!
"The lives of a billion people could be improved in the next decade if rich countries reform their trade, migration and investment policies," David Roodman, CGD researcher and chief architect of the CDI.

Uh-huh. Sounds like code for 'just-open-the-bank-doors-and spread-your-wealth-around'.

"Politically, these changes are difficult. However, if rich countries are truly committed to development, they could easily bear the short-term costs of the reforms and the spread of prosperity would serve the interests of all countries."

Obtuse is the only word that comes to mind. It seems the Center for Global Development has no part in this equation for the horrible side of human nature: the despots, warlords, fascists and mob mentality that sometimes plagues us as a species. I mean, did these people learn nothing from the Annan-oil-for-food scandel??

But, it's reported by the BBC, so what did you expect?

Have a great Sunday. - LB 1901