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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Quick! Call Al Gore.

I think you know what this is all about when these few dozen sour-grape socialists stage their protest in front of foreign banks.

Mexican Leftists Continue Protests

MEXICO CITY -- Leftist activists blockaded bank headquarters and called for a march on the offices of federal prosecutors as officials recounted some of the ballots from Mexico's disputed presidential election.

Continuing a wave of protests against alleged electoral fraud, dozens of supporters of presidential hopeful Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador blocked entrances to the main offices of three foreign-owned banks in Mexico City, chanting "Vote by vote!" and "Long live democracy!"

How about a little look into the Mexican Socialist Party and their man, Senor Obrador: Stealing the Mexican Election
....But here's where the Mexican story begins ominously to diverge from the American.

Bush v. Gore went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. On Dec. 8, 2000, that court delivered a ruling that finished Gore's hopes. Gore privately reviled the decision. But nonetheless, within a very few minutes he stepped before the television cameras to deliver a gracious speech accepting the result. The United States lives by law, and no politician can hope to survive outside the law.

In Mexico, however, the rule of law is newer and weaker. Undaunted by his legal defeats, Lopez Obrador has launched a struggle for power in the streets of Mexico.

As mayor, Obrador showed himself to be a classic Mexican caudillo, or local boss. He engaged in showy displays of solidarity with Mexico's poor--while doing nothing about the governmental incompetence and corruption that keeps Mexico in poverty.

Under Obrador, Mexico City has become one of the most dangerous and lawless metropolises on earth. Underpaid cops and corrupt officials look the other way as gangs rob, steal, and kidnap; as business is frightened away by shakedown rackets; and as municipal funds are wasted and stolen. Obrador himself defied courts and laws when they got in the way of his vision of social justice or limited his own power.

And now Obrador is bringing his caudillo methods to national politics. For weeks, he has been calling out his supporters in waves of increasingly menacing protest.

Read all about it

Still don't get it? These rabid socialists have a single minded fascist objective: their unbridled power. The rule of law be damned.

Gunmen Attack Newspaper in Mexico

Drug violence, political unrest in Mexico repulse tourists.