Videos WhatFinger

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What? I can't hear you! pt. 6

Dang. I must've been snoozing. I know. I know!
But, fortunately, the Skipper wasn't. He has this to say about that.....

Here is your daily dose of The Other News From Iraq. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to count how many MSM outlets cover this story. Good luck on that.

Seriously, how did the Iraqis manage to get 275,000 troops trained and equipped to the point where they are taking over more and more of US troops’ tasks? When did this miracle happen? The Iraqis now have five divisions in the field handling security and fighting insurgents, and five more are in the works to be deployed soon.

The US plan to stand down US troops when the Iraqi army stands up is at the halfway point now ... and the lamestream media ignores it. Whazzup with that? Don’t our media outlets want us to hear good news from Iraq? ... ... ... that was a rhetorical question, by the way. Carry on ....

Read all about it.