Videos WhatFinger

Monday, September 04, 2006


If you read many news accounts of wartime operations and reports, you have come to realize that the specious argument of 'moral relativism' between the cowardly islamofascists and NATO/IDF/COALITION soldiers is just a big pile of dog squeeze.

Time and time again I am struck with the contrast in world view: some combatants deliberately hide behind and execute civilians and other combatants take great pains to warn them and steer clear to only engage armed insurgents. And if someone cannot tell by that fact alone who is the 'good' guy and who is the 'bad' guy, then that person deserves the distinction of fool.

NATO: 200+ taliban guerrillis and 4 Canadians killed during Sunday firefight in Afghanistan.

PASHMUL, Afghanistan Sep 3, 2006 (AP)— Warplanes and artillery pounded Taliban fighters hiding in orchards Sunday during a big Afghan-NATO offensive that the alliance said killed more than 200 militants in its first two days. Four Canadian soldiers also were killed.

Operation Medusa was launched Saturday to flush out Taliban fighters from Panjwayi and neighboring Zhari district. NATO spokesman Maj. Scott Lundy said alliance and Afghan troops had gained ground and disrupted the militants' command system so guerrillas were moving in confusion.

After Operation Medusa started, authorities in Kandahar warned people not to travel off the main highway in the province, which leads into Panjwayi. The road was blocked by soldiers Sunday not far from where bombing was taking place. Some military Humvees were parked nearby.

Ikram Ullah, an Afghan soldier at the roadblock, said he had heard that 60 or 70 Taliban had been killed by warplanes and helicopter gunships since Saturday morning.

He said most of the families in the area fled after they were told to evacuate although some civilians were nearby. A few children watched the bombing from the road.

"Only the Taliban are in the village," Ullah said, pointing toward the orchards, where clusters of homes were scattered among trees and vines.