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Friday, September 22, 2006

Fair is fair

I admit it.
I'm the first loudmouth to blow off steam and castigate the seemingly endless supply of vicious, petulent children who claim allegiance to the cult of Mohammed. But, fair is fair, so I have to shout just as loudly: ~Muslims & Christians In Iraq Join to Renounce Violence!~

The following is a Haider Ajina translation of a headline and article from the Iraqi Zahrira News Network (Ashirina) published on September 18th.

"Iraqi Muslims Pray with Christians in Churches to Show Togetherness & Partnership"

To show patriotism, true brotherhood and affirm the bond of belonging to one Iraq, which goes beyond religion or sect, a group of Iraqis (Christian and Muslim) attended a special service in the Roman Catholic church in Baghdad on Sunday the 17th of September. Muslims shared with Christian Catholics their prayer for almighty to clean the hearts and pray for unity. This came after increased anger by some Iraqi Muslims at statements made by the Holy Sea.

The 'Anchoress' has more commentary on this good news.