Videos WhatFinger

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


It's all George Bush's fault!
Gas prices drop by about 22 cents.

U.S. retail gas prices dropped nearly 22 cents a gallon in the past two weeks, the second decline since a mid-August peak, according to a survey released Sunday. The national average for self-serve regular stood at about $2.65 on Sept. 8, down from about $2.87, according to the Lundberg Survey of 7,000 gas stations across the country. That was about 35 cents less than last year at this time.

It's all George Bush's fault - pt. 2

Allah akbar! - throw another grenade.
Gunmen killed in US embassy attack in Syria.
Armed Islamic militants attempted to storm the US Embassy in a bold attack today using automatic rifles, hand grenades and at least one van rigged with explosives, the Syrian government said.

Syrian security forces killed three of the attackers. No Americans were hurt.

The attackers apparently did not breach the high walls surrounding the white embassy compound, in a diplomatic neighbourhood of Damascus. A Chinese diplomat was slightly injured by a stray bullet during the attack, China's news agency said.

And, finally, it's all George Bush's fault pt. 3
Katie Couric gets new job as network anchor.
Apparently, she is going to start that new job sometime soon. Somebody let me know how that works out. OK?