Videos WhatFinger

Friday, September 08, 2006

Thanks for the memories

9-11 attack plan video aired

The Arab television channel Al-Jazeera broadcast today a video (seen here) which it said showed Osama bin Laden and suicide candidates of al-Qaeda preparing the September 11, 2001 attacks against the United States.

Al-Jazeera had said earlier it would broadcast "a video that included scenes showing for the first time al-Qaeda leaders preparing the September 11 attacks and practising for their execution."

The video showed Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and two of the 19 Islamist militants that took part in the attacks, Saudi nationals Hamza el-Ramdi and Wael el-Shemari.

They spoke of the situation faced by Muslims in Bosnia and Chechnya.

Bosnia and Chechnya??
Are they trying to tell us something?

Seriously, are those islamo-fascists trying to drop a hint of imminent calamity? I do believe that these islamo guys are supposed to warn their intended victim with an admonition to 'submit or die'. Probably a nicety they picked up at finishing school. Witness the latest on-air sheenanigans of Al-Qaida's deputy leader Ayman (big 'Al') Al-Zawahri and his parrot, 'adam the american'. Add to that this stroll down memory lane from al-jaz TV and one has to seriously ask, "Are they trying to tell us something?"