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Saturday, September 02, 2006

What's arabic for 'grand wizard'?

Where else can one wear a hood, brandish weapons, brutalize women, terrorize Jews & Catholics all the while claiming God's will? Nope! The kkk are pikers compared to these fascists, but now - with this limited time offer from the Religion of Peace © - you, too, can join their ranks and help conquer and oppress all of 'them infidels'.

Al-Zawahri and reported American al-Qaida member issue videotape inviting Americans to join Islam.

(AP) Al-Qaida's deputy leader Ayman (big 'Al') Al-Zawahri and a man the video identified as Adam Yehiye Gadahn, an American who the FBI believes attended al-Qaida training camps in Pakistan and served as an al-Qaida translator.

Gadahn said no Muslim should "shed tears" for Westerners killed by al-Qaida attacks and "We invite all Americans and unbelievers to Islam".
~Religion of peace. All rights reserved. Convert or else. Severed horse head extra.

I wonder if these guys know each other?

Palestinian Group to Target Non-Muslims.
CAIRO, Egypt -- Palestinian militants who held two Fox News journalists hostage for nearly two weeks threatened in a statement posted online Saturday to abduct non-Muslims visiting the Palestinian territories and kill them unless their demands were met. The statement, posted in the name of the Holy Jihad Brigades on a Web site frequently used by militants, said the group would kill any hostages it takes unless they converted to Islam, paid a ransom or Muslim prisoners were exchanged for their release.

Ya know, I have a real problem with the suit-n-tie holy rollers knocking on my door with their pamphlets trying to twist my ecumenical arm, but at least they leave my doorstep without blowing up the place or shooting my family. It appears to be kind of different in the muslim world. Convert or die is what the islamofascists are saying...all over the globe.