Monday, October 16, 2006

Civil dissent

My favorite crank, Burt Prelutsky, doesn't always agree with me on certain issues, but that's ok. I agree to disagree with him on various topics, and he keeps mouthing off from his agnostic podium - sometimes making good observations and scathing remarks against the religious left.

Liberals who are aware that I’m not religious sometimes take me to task for not criticizing the religious Right with the same zeal I bring to bear on what I refer to as the religious Left. (For those unfamiliar with the term, it refers to those zealots whose bible is the Gospel According to James Carville. The prophets of the faith include Howard Dean, Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter.) The fact is, I have nothing against Christian fundamentalists. Mainly, I disagree with them on the issue of abortion. But I don’t think that those in the Pro-Life movement are evil, whereas I think those on the other side, those who promote 13 and 14-year-olds having abortions without parental consent, are.

The Leftists get extremely upset because they feel religious Conservatives have undue influence every four years, when a presidential election rolls around, but they fail to acknowledge how much influence the secular Left has in college classrooms, in America’s courtrooms, and in the editorial offices of major newspapers, every single day of the year.