Monday, October 16, 2006

Global apostate

Hey, Rosie. Did you hear the one about the radical leftist utopians being just as dangerous as - Oh, krykee. I can't stoop to that idiocy. But Debra Saunders does illustrate a good point about the ideas the left feels good about are nothing more than fanatical religious dogma.

Inhofe, the Apostate

Global warming is a religion, not science. That's why acolytes in the media attack global-warming critics not with scientific arguments, but for their apostasy. Then they laud global-warming believers not for reducing greenhouse gases, but simply for believing global warming is a coming catastrophe caused by man. The important thing is to have faith in those who warn: The end is near.

Global warming even has a martyr, NASA scientist James Hansen, who told CNN's Miles O'Brien in January that under the Bushies, "you're not free to speak your own mind." It's amazing that a scientist can complain that he is being muzzled -- while appearing on CNN and "60 Minutes."

I remain agnostic on global warming, as I've seen good arguments on both sides. I know, however, that I never will be convinced that global warming is a scientific threat as long as believers put most of their energy into establishing orthodoxy and denying that reputable global-warming skeptics exist.