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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's still the best news show on television

'NewsHour' Faulted for Lack of Diversity

PBS' "NewsHour" tilts too heavily toward Republican white men in its sources and needs to do a better job promoting diverse points of view, a watchdog group said in a report issued on Tuesday.

Two-thirds of the partisan sources appearing on Jim Lehrer's nightly newscasts between October 2005 and March 2006 were Republican, and 82 percent were men, said the liberal advocacy organization Fairness and Accuracy in Media.
Krykee. They say that like it's a bad thing. Unfortunately, it is a bad thing since 15% of the operating budget for PBS comes from tax dollars, so the fairness & accuracy probe can infiltrate where the sun don't shine and those finding can catch the ear of the cash cow congress. But I wouldn't mind seeing a showdown between the PC busy bodies and the producers at PBS for content control. Any threats or demands from congress or the watchdog groups would ring hollow because any one of those high quality PBS shows, like The News Hour, would find an instant home on cable or the alphabet networks. I don't think the same could be said for the fetid stew of leftist propoganda eminating from FM enclaves of NPR - National Prolitariat Radio.