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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I've always wondered about that....

Why Do Black Americans Still Vote For Democrats?

Which Party started the KKK and the Jim Crow era? - democrats.

Which Party had a man named Robert Byrd FILIBUSTERING the Civil Rights Act of 1965? - democrats.

Which Party at one of its conventions called itself the 'white man's Party?' - democrats.

Which Party stacked the Supreme Court that finally rendered blacks 3/5ths human being in the infamous Dredd Scott case? - democrats.

Which Party has a history and pattern of terrorizing black Americans for over 170 years? - democrats.

Which Party accused those who opposed hooking blacks on those government programs 'racists' and 'uncle Toms?' - democrats.

Which Party FOUGHT to exclude blacks from getting a good education for over 170 years? - democrats.

And finally, which Party continues to pit blacks Americans against white Americans for disgusting political gain? - democrats.

Which Party was formed EXPRESSLY to oppose the Democrat Party on the issue of slavery? - republicans

Which Party passed the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery? - republicans

Which Party passed the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution so that blacks could have due process in law and so that their right to vote was not infringed upon regardless of their race or skin color? - republicans

Under which Party have black business and black home ownership set record levels? - republicans

Under which Party have blacks students made the greatest gains in over 30 years? - republicans

Which Party has enabled over 283,000 loans to small business ( 30% of which went to minority businesses) totalling $63 billion in five years, almost as much as was spend the previous 40 years? - republicans

Which Party freed 3.8 million blacks from the tax rolls? - republicans

Which Party started the funding of the first African American museum and culture center? - republicans

Which Party had the very first and second black Secretaries of State and the first black National Security Advisor? - republicans

Why Do Black Americans Still Vote For Democrats?

This circuitous link came to me via House of Eratosthenes
You're on your own for the correct pronounciation.