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Monday, October 09, 2006

Maybe. Maybe not.

North Korea conducts nuclear test

"Seismic estimates place the size of the blast between "five and 15 kilotons, or up to 15,000 tonnes of TNT, making it potentially as powerful as the bomb which devastated the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945.

But an Australian seismology institute put the figure at one kiloton and the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources said the size of the tremor suggested an explosive force equivalent to 550 tons of TNT - a surprisingly low explosive yield."

I vote for the latter. My guess is this dirt poor gargoyle, and the North Korean nation he has ground into ruin, has neither the money nor resources to muster such a weapon. The gargoyle simply stuffed conventional explosives down a rat hole to up this ante & stature in his bluff to play with the big boys - in particular, the cash cow U.S.of A.

Information overload. Knock yourself out.
