Friday, October 13, 2006

Media matters

Faux dead
The U.S. of A.'s largest theater chain, Regal Entertainment Group refused to screen Newmarket Films' morbid faux assassination film, "Death of a President".

Texas-based Cinemark USA also has declined to screen the film at any of its theaters. "We're not playing it on any of our screens," corporate spokesman Terrell Falk said. "It's a subject matter we don't wish to play. We decided to pass on the film."

Boston-based National Amusements, controlled by Viacom Inc. chief Sumner Redstone, is still pondering whether or not to show the film.

In anticipation of leftist utopian nickers-in-a-wad, Libertas correctly points out, "...major theater chains are freely choosing not to allow Gabriel Range’s Death of a President on their screens. Let me repeat that for you Lefties out there: what this means is that theater chains are freely electing not to screen the film, a film that is of course not 'entitled' to exhibition by anyone. This has come without interference from the Bush White House or Congressional Republicans, as opposed to what happened when Bill Clinton and Congressional Democrats pressured ABC to pull Path to 9/11 off the air or risk their broadcast license."

Still, expect a major tantrum from the tin foil hat brigade.

Door nail dead
People go ga-ga over Rush's blue wood in a bottle, but nary a peep over Air America stealing from needy boys & girls.

Radio Equilizer has the new low down on how execs of the Gloria Wise Community Center in New York city funneled nearly $900,000 earmarked for that community center to Air America. These same execs at the Gloria Wise Community Center were also investors in Air America.

Convenient, no? And all they had to do was steal from needy boys & girls.

I guess it was all too much to pay back because Air America has filed for bankruptcy.

Let the indictments begin!