Saturday, October 14, 2006


Philosophy pervades our daily lives, but don't worry, there will be no pop quiz on Socrates, Aquinas or Dr. Phil. It is education, experience and belief that combine to make a world view. How we live is indicative of who we are - and words mean things.

Sadly, many people aquire information and reinforce beliefs through the television. And while I do not watch much television, I am aware of the Rosies, Montels and Oprahs with their two hanky maudlin shows. What disturbs me is that some of their veiwers actually get out and vote while fluffed up with this touchy-feely mis-infotainment and the reinforced belief of feeling and emotions over facts and figures. (Hmm, perhaps the nineteenth amendment was a bad idea.)

Just kidding, honey!

Before I make a complete meal of my foot, I'll turn it over to Ms. Underestimated who witnessed that type of mis-infotainment on a recent Oprah show. Ever feel like yelling at the television?

NYT's Frank Rich Slams Bush Admin on Oprah - Part Deux (VIDEO)
By MsUnderestimated

Folks, I was going to try to transcribe some of this, but I’m truly at a loss for words (save the expletive descriptors) watching Frank Rich hawk his book and drop his Bush-bashing cow-pies all over national TV. So, it’s up to you to watch these segments and have your own personal debates with both Frank and Oprah (and some of the audience members). I found myself yelling at the screen, and was going to cite references to dispute things that Rich said that I know to be lies here, but it’s quite frankly too time consuming and not worth my time. People like Frank Rich know the truth about why we went to war in Iraq, what Saddam’s connections were to Al Qaeda, the truth about WMDs, UN Resolution 1441, and everything else surrounding the current war. Educated people know the truth, but it’s obvious Mr. Rich preyed on a majority un-educated audience to spew his anti-Bush venom, and they bought it hook, line and, in this case, stinker (except for two or three outstanding folks in the audience).

This 'truther' style of mis-infotainment can only be counter balanced by facts, figures, logic and reason, but, unfortunately, the maudlin crowd Kant get there from the channel changer.