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Monday, October 23, 2006

Naive self-importance or sedition?

4 Mile Creek discusses 'Fairplay Revisited' in regards to the NY Times June, 2006 publication of classified government information as it pertained to the 'SWIFT' program. The extreme likely probability that this publication compromised national security (because al qaeda reads the ny times, too - and watches cnn) and endangered U.S. military personnel and millions of Iraqi civilians is expounded upon most unhappily here:

Hey Dickhead, how about wondering about what harm was actually done when you disclosed the program in your newspaper! You knew what would happen, and you were taking a very biased guess at what "harm" might happen. The fact that your newspaper's hatred of the Bush Administration moved you towards letting it publish knowing it would endanger fellow Americans makes your newspaper incapable of ever again being trusted as to what should and shouldn't be published.

Sleep well tonight. There's no reason to believe that your disclosure was at all responsible for the jihadis having more money over the last few months. That would be a coincidence. Maybe there is no connection between that increase in money available to the jihadists and the increase in the number of American servicemember deaths in Iraq since you published that article. Just keep telling yourself it was all because of something else. Something the Bush Administration had done, nothing you did. You are, after all, a patriot. You must be, right? Dissent is the highest form....and all that?

Where's my dictionary?