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Thursday, January 17, 2008

All in the family

International politics being what they are - a wretched trench of sweat, blood & semen - and given the dubious history of most alliances made by 'dominant powers', I'm hesitant to wade into this bit of Barack Hussien Obama's genealogy, but it does make for interesting academic gymnastics.
From the Confederate Yankee:
"So would it be fair to hold Barack Obama's feet to the fire for the Kenyan government's claim that his cousin Raila Odinga is behind ethnic cleansing in Kenya that has so far taken 600 lives? Odinga's father led the communist opposition party during the Cold War and he was educated in East Germany. His brother is named after Fidel Castro. Far more troubling than his past, however, is Mr. Odinga's current pact with the National Muslim Leader's Forum, an hardline Islamist organization. Odinga has promised to institute harsh Sharia courts throughout the country if he was elected, and to ban Christian preaching."
But what does this have to do with Obama?