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Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's not one world

American Aid Worker Kidnapped In Afghanistan. And she was even wearing a burqa.

If you're a praying person, now would be a good time.

Update: Afghan police continue search for abducted US aid worker
Police searched vehicles leaving Kandahar city with emphasis on the area where Cyd Mizell, 49, and her Afghan driver were seized while travelling to work on Saturday, an AFP reporter said.

"Our goal is to stop the suspected abductors from taking the hostage out of town and hopefully, with God's help, arrest those who have abducted her," said one of the police officers, who gave his name only as Hashmatullah.

The kidnappers had not made contact, said the Afghan government and Mizell's employer, a small Philippines-headquartered community development organisation called the Asian Rural Life Development Foundation (ARLDF).