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Friday, February 01, 2008

More violence at government schools

These news stories weren't hard to find. They are another collection in a long, seemingly never ending, almost predictably re-occurring series of tragedies that plague government schools. Yet, we the people, keep shuffling our most prized progeny into these ‘russian roulette’ centers of random violence & abuse.

If this horrible pattern of disfunction & violence were to occur at a church, youth organization, or private school there would be such a media scream of condemnation and cry for retribution that would have any administrator, supporter, or financier associated with such private enterprise tarred, feathered and banished to the darkest margins of society, if not imprisoned.

Yet, we the people, bow down before the alter of the NEA & tax funded ‘public’ education that includes all, offends none, accepts everything, and only occasionally assaults or murders our children, because we are an open minded, and ‘enlightened’ society.

Here are reasons number 457, 458, 459, 460, 461 & 462 to vote SCHOOL VOUCHERS.

Colorado Girl, 14, Stabbed Seven Times in High School Hallway

Teen Shot in parking lot during basketball game.

Female Teacher arrested for sex with 15 y.o. male student.

Female teacher arrested for deviant sex with 14 y.o. female student in 2 States

Teacher Arrested on Drug Charges

Not criminal, but highlights the far left sympathies of this fascist organization: NEA donates 12 million dollars to state initiatives to increase state education spending, and boost the minimum wage, or to defeat a measure to limit state spending. The union also gave small donations to liberal groups such as People for the American Way. This money comes from union dues which comes from teachers salaries which comes from your tax dollars.

There's plenty more, but I'm out of time and too disgusted to post more. I'll simply leave you with my broken record: VOTE SCHOOL VOUCHERS - VOTE SCHOOL CHOICE!
Vote School Vouchers - Vote School Choice