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Friday, February 08, 2008

Undue Process

Imagine you have a brother. A twin brother. He's a scofflaw & a deadbeat. You're a hard working, law abiding citizen. Your deadbeat brother racks up years worth of traffic fines and court fees. The court tells you to pay up. You tell the judge, "I am not my brother nor his keeper." You have proof. "Tough luck," retorts the judge. "Pay or go to jail!" Welcome to municipal court H3LL.

But there's no excuse for PennDOT's incompetence since then, nor Traffic Court's. As for Judge Adams, his actions are just baffling.

"I am very, very pissed," says Edward, now 40, who estimates that, over the last 17 years, he has made 20 trips to Traffic Court and has lost close to $3,000 in court fees and missed time from work.

"This could be solved if someone felt like fixing it," says Edward, who also has asked City Council members for help, to no avail. "I can't get anyone to care. My biggest fear is that I'll be pulled over for a broken taillight and someone will say my license is suspended and I'll lose my job," which routinely requires him to drive CN8 vehicles.
Where's the self-important aclu when they could actually live up to their moniker?