Friday, March 28, 2008

All charges dropped against Haditha defendant

*Charges dropped against Capt. Lucas McConnell
*Charges dropped against Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt
*Charges dropped against Sergeant Sanick Dela Cruz
*Charges dropped against Cpt. Randy stone

And now, Case dropped against Haditha defendant Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum.

It's about flippin' time! MM has all the details.

CC: John Murtha, will ya?

Update: Pursing Holiness calls out "cold blooded killers" John Murtha and demands an apology - if not collectively (since three are still charged with horrible crimes), then how about individually? Senator? MSM?? Hello???

Speaking of 'calling out', Jason Mattera of the YAF pawned murtha on this very subject back in Sept. 2007.

The whipped hound dog look on murtha's face is priceless.