Friday, March 28, 2008

Pile on billary. Yes, we will! Again.

Saddam's agent met w/ billary to ease pre-war sanctions.

Yup, the same agent we read about yesterday who arranged the saddam hussein financed, 2002 junket to Iraq for three anti-war democratic socialists.

Muthanna Al-Hanooti, a Michigan man facing federal criminal charges of illegally working for Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Intelligence Service says he met with Hillary Clinton at the White House in May 1996.

In a 1997 interview with this reporter, Muthanna Al-Hanooti said that at the meeting, Mrs. Clinton was “very receptive” to his request for an easing of the American sanctions on Iraq that were in place at the time. He said Mrs. Clinton “passed a message to the State Department” about the need to implement the oil-for-food deal, which was intended to allow Saddam to sell billions of dollars’ worth of oil to pay for food for Iraqi citizens.

And that's not all, folks! Muthanna Al-Hanooti is the former Executive Director of CAIR-Michigan, and ex-PR Director of LIFE - the 'charity' organization which funneled saddam's money to pay for the 2002 junket to Iraq for the three democratic socialist congressmen.

But, wait! There's more. According to Frontpage magazine:
On September 27, 2007, the (successor to Al-Hanooti & current) head of the Michigan office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Michigan), Dawud Walid, was presented with a “special recognition” award by the Mayor of Lansing, Michigan, Virg Bernero.
As you may already know, CAIR was designated by the United States government as an “unindicted co-conspirator” for a federal trial that ran from July through October of 2007, which dealt with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas.

During the trial, the FBI provided testimony proving CAIR’s involvement with the former head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook, in his American Palestine Committee. The government reiterated CAIR’s “affiliation” with Hamas, in a federal court brief filed in December of 2007.

As well, Walid is an active member of the North American Imams Federation (NAIF). Other members of NAIF include Mazen Mokhtar, an Al-Qaeda web designer who was indicted in April of 2007 for tax evasion and for filing false tax returns, and Siraj Wahhaj, an “unindicted co-conspirator” of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The President of NAIF is Omar Shahin, a former representative of two Hamas-related “charities,” KindHearts and the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), both of which have been shut down by the U.S. government.

Furthermore, Walid is the assistant imam of Masjid Wali Muhammad. Formerly Muhammad’s Temple No. 1, the mosque has very close ties to the Nation of Islam (NOI) and its former Supreme Minister, Elijah Muhammad, whose picture adorns the inside of the mosque.
Oh. Did I mention that the mayor of Lansing MI, Virg Bernero is a democrat?

FrontPage Magazine nailed it: We’ve long contended the terrorists could not buy better representation than the Democratic Left gives them for free. We never knew how right we were.

You can't make this stuff up...