Thursday, March 27, 2008

The continued implosion of the democratic socialist party

This time it's democratic super delegate & obamanator supporter, Puerto Rico’s governor Anibal Acevedo Vila, plus a few of his buddies who got nabbed by the feds for shifty fund raising and tax fraud.

Gov. Aníbal Acevedo Vilá is expected to be arrested Thursday and charged with six campaign related charges: conspiracy to violate election laws, making false statements, wire fraud, program fraud, conspiracy to defraud the IRS and filing a false tax return.

EM over at HA issues a damage assessment:
How badly will that hurt the Democrats? For one thing, it brings up the whole Norman Hsu story all over again. Hillary Clinton’s big fundraiser turned out to be a fraud, and now the Democrats have another crook. This follows on the heels of Eliot Spitzer’s hooker obsession and the misuse of public funds by his successor David Paterson. In terms of optics, the footage of Acevedo’s frog-march into federal custody will remind voters of the culture of corruption — and have the Democrats struggling to convince voters that they cleaned up politics.
That reminds me; have you heard the one about the frog & the scorpion?