Thursday, March 27, 2008

Don't be evil

The Kansas Citian blog has a good catch on how dis-information conglomerate googlag's three multi-billionaire head honchos avoid paying U.S. taxes through an accounting sleight of hand. Hint: Their salaries are listed at $1 each & bonuses of only about $1800 each. Yup. We all believe that one.

While I applaud any individual or corporation that can legally find ways to not piss their money down the bottomless federal govt. pork trough, I find the googlag/yahoo dis-information conglomerate doubly troubling for their infamous actions of scrubbing 'conservative' search results in favor of leftist links, and how they frequently aid & abet communist regimes and their brutal dictators with censorship & information leaks in order to suppress, imprison & torture dissident citizens (most notably, China). Search this blog for 'don't be evil' and you'll see what I mean.

Obviously, it's socialism for you & me, but not for these democratic socialists.