Videos WhatFinger

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Damn. Just damn - again.

The brutality of the AQI barbarians continues with another murder of a kidnapped contractor in Iraq.

The family of Austrian Bert Nussbaumer was notified today that their son has been identified as the 5th body recovered. Our prayers also go out the Nussbaumer family.

The final member of the kidnapped Crescent Security team, Jonathon Cote, is still unaccounted for. A British photojournalist, Richard Butler, was also abducted in Basra on Feb. 11 along with his translator. The translator was released unharmed, but the journalist has not been heard from since. Please continue to pray for these hostages and for the bereaved families of the deceased.

I'm sure the code pinko far left wackjobs will be protesting the AQI barbarians who did this crime - right after they're through telling the world how much they hate the U.S. of A. and its evil military.