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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Obama's Pastor: God Damn America

I was wondering when this racist hate monger and his demagogued, 'afro-centric sermons' (read: black power diatribes) would hit the main stream. The Confederate Yankee has a good post on the growing list of seditious & disturbing individuals which the obamantor has surrounded himself with during his adult life and public career.

It is unfair to judge a man by casual associations, but no doubt fair to judge him on the company he keeps for years at a time.
The 'Rev.'Wright is just one of many individuals that draws into question the obamanator's judgment and provides a chilling glimpse into this man who, if elected as POTUS, would appoint to his inner circle of power.

But all this is late to the game. Sweetness & Light posted many of these reds flags back in Jan. of 2007 with "Obama’s Afrocentric, America-Hating Church." As you read the church's mission statement, mentally substitute the word 'black' with the word 'white', and explain how, if this was a predominantly white church, that type of racist, hate mongering, separatist agitprop would not be rightfully despised & condemned to the darkest margins of society. It certainly would not be worthy of the swooning adulation which this candidate has enjoyed. Of course, there's no bias in the MSM.

But wait. There's more! Obama’s pastor pretty much openly campaigning for him from the pulpit! I think the IRS frowns on that sort of stuff....