This is good. The Weather Channel founder and global warming skeptic, John Coleman, advocates suing Al Gore (video) to expose 'the fraud of global warming.' WOOHOO! Coleman told this to an audience of more than 100 internationally prominent environmental scientists at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change on March 3 in New York that he is highly critical of global warming alarmism.
Coleman said, “If the lawyers will take the case – sue the people who sell carbon credits. That includes Al Gore. That lawsuit would get so much publicity, so much media attention. And as the experts went to the witness stand and testified, I feel like that could become the vehicle to finally put some light on the fraud of global warming.”
Real scientists prefer to follow the evidence and steer clear of politics. Those attending the 2008 Conference concurred with Coleman and simply sought to present the facts.
Environmental scientist S. Fred Singer kicked off the conference by releasing a report entitled, "Nature, Not Human Activity Rules the Climate," summarizing a three-year international scientific research project conducted by the Nongovernmental Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). Singer and the NIPCC agree that global warming occurred in the 20th century, but disagree human activity is responsible. He argues instead that natural causes are likely to be the dominant cause of the scientifically observed global warming under discussion.Ah. Good liberal wisdom - follow the money.
The NIPCC scientists contend the U.N. agenda "is largely hypothetical and not sustained by observations" driven by complex mathematical models.
"Al Gore and the U.N. have a fixation with the argument that we cause global warming," Singer said. "Besides that, look at the billions of tax dollars going into various schemes like subsidizing biofuels. We're being charged twice by the global warming alarmists – once in new taxes the U.N. is planning to impose on us and then again as consumers who will ultimately have to bear the cost of these new global taxes."