Videos WhatFinger

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why are 'peace' activists so violent? PT 97 Updated

You remember 'wobbly nomad' - the violent, leftist IVAW nutjob who threatened on several occasions to bomb this weekend's Gathering of Eagles rally in D.C. & MD.

Well, much to the credit of the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), they have issued a formal apology and suspended the membership of the above said violent, leftist IVAW nutjob.

Iraq Veterans Against the War does not condone threats of violence or violence against idealogical opponents, for Winter Soldier or for any other event. I would like to apologize both personally and professionally to Michelle Malkin, Robin, Nicki, Thus Spake Ortner, and Jonn Lilyea and others for the actions of these members, and assure the public that steps are being taken to ensure this does not occur again.
No word, yet, from the FBI on this incident.