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Saturday, April 05, 2008

Billary earns $109 million for previous 8 years.

While everyone and their dog chimes in with differing opinions, my opinion is 'good for them!' This is America. If they can legally profit from their famous efforts, then God bless and good luck.

But consider this: fellow democrat, the obamanator, has raised over 230 million dollars in campaign cash in his bid to purchase the white house - making this the. most. expensive. presidential campaign. EVUH.

Fellow democrat, John Edwards gained multi-million dollar fame & fortune as a plaintiff's lawyer; Fellow democrat, ~the goracle~ is a huge carbon footprint, jet setting, agitprop multi, multi-millionaire thanks to the chicken little dupes across the globe; Fellow democrat, John (I served in viet nam) Kerry and his wife are fabulously wealthy.....

and now billary releases their tax returns to show that they too are in the rarefied atmosphere of the super duper mega rich & famous that was once reserved for industrial robber barons, spoiled starlets and lethal mobsters.

So, tell me again why the democrats are the party of 'the regular folks'?????

And when do you think their willing accomplices in the MSM will ask them how much a gallon of gasoline or a loaf of bread cost?