Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Emmanuel Cleaver's bluntness - and bigotry

Cleaver is the congressional representative for Missouri's fifth district which incorporates the Kansas City area. Ben Smith of Politico highlights an interview given by Mr. Cleaver to explain his unwavering 'super delegate' support for Ms. Clinton. I think the interview simply highlights Mr. Cleavers bigotry.

He doesn't back off his support for Clinton, and has criticism for Obama: "He is articulate - in the black tradition, he would probably be mediocre, but in White America..." he said, a bit dismissively, of Obama's speaking style, going on to joke about the word "articulate."

"For White Americans, it's like, this guy can speak," he said. He also said he was "outraged over the outrage" at the Wright controversy.

Whitey. Go figure.

No, Mr. Cleaver, the obamanator is a new millennium political wunderkind regardless of his skin color. And that's something all the vested race pimps in this country can't seem to get past. For the average reasonable American, it's a color blind assessment that speaks to what the man says and does - his ability to attract crowds; generate news; garner votes; and raise gy-normous sums of campaign cash.

This same color blind assessment of what one says and does applies to the pernicious, not-the-Gospel spew of 'rev' wright. It has absolutely nothing to do with the man's skin color! This type of content maybe de rigueur in colored churches, but most average, reasonable Americans find this 'outrageous'. And with good reason - something about the 'content of one's character?' Maybe Mr. Cleaver missed that part.....