Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More rat killin'

41 Mahdi Army fighters killed in Baghdad clashes.

Most of the Mahdi Army fighters were killed as they attacked checkpoints and patrols during a sandstorm in Baghdad. Mahdi Army fighters used the sandstorm to take advantage of the lack of air cover to attack US and Iraqi positions in eastern and northeastern Baghdad. Helicopters, fighters and unmanned aerial vehicles were grounded due to lack of visibility.

The Mahdi Army has taken a heavy toll during the fighting over the past eight day since Muqtada al Sadr, the leader of the Mahdi Army, threatened to conduct a third armed uprising. US and Iraqi troops have killed 151 Mahdi Army fighters in northeastern Baghdad since Sadr issued his threat on April 20.

The bad news is that these mahdi cowards used the sand storm as cover to launch a barrage of chinese made 107 mm rockets and 82 mm mortar shells into the Green Zone. 4 U.S. soldiers were killed during this 'blind' barrage.
At least 44 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq in April, making it the deadliest month for U.S. forces since September.
The 107s have a range of 5 miles while the 82s have a range of three miles.

And if politics makes for strange bedfellows, war borders on the bizarre. ITM wonders "Are Sadr and Al-Qaeda Teaming Up in Iraq?"
Reports of serious negotiations taking place between Sadr's movement and al-Qaeda were followed by suspiciously coordinated threats from both groups.