Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This just in...

Iran's weird beard mullahcracy handles the tough issues, like fighting barbie dolls. Barbie denounced as destructive by Iranian prosecutor.

Yup. I know. Barbie is a gateway, anorexic, middle class-ness doll, but I think it's really 'cause some people simply don't like Western White Folks. But I'm just silly that way.

Besides, the joys of capitalism can rescue Iran with muslim barbie.
Meet 'Fulla' - a product of syria - not an 'Onion' parody.

With thick black hair and large dark eyes, Fulla is the physical antithesis of Mattel's blonde, empty-eyed icon of Western consumerism.

As for romantic prospects, Fulla has no male friends at all, "though she might have angry brothers", as one joke has it.

Meanwhile, Iran continues to oppress & brutalize real women.