Thursday, April 10, 2008

Please, Sir. Can I have some more?

EM over at HA does a fine job of detailing why the statist/collectivist/marxist/whatever philosophy, espoused by the obamanator-billary, et al, is so obtuse, false & self defeating.

Neither of these candidates are moderate, center-left politicians. They’re both statists, and they both make the same basic mistake of all statists.

First, it assumes a “pie” of static proportions. That’s only true in statist systems. In a free-market economy, real expansion of wealth can and does occur.

The best way to lift the standard of living across all economic strata comes from private enterprise and not public bureaucracies. The latter saps investment capital by rerouting funds from the markets which generate wealth into government, which not only consumes wealth but offers unresponsive and inefficient services in return. Those services kill competition in those industries, since the government supplies the services for “free” — even though the actual costs skyrocket through massive inefficiencies.

Can I get an 'Amen'?

The CY simply asks,"Why is everyone avoiding the elephant in this room?"

I ask, "Have we fallen asleep so far from our 'Liberty as the Champion of the Individual' roots that we simply don't know the difference?"