Thursday, April 10, 2008

When parasites sue bloggers

Ottawa lawyer, Richard Warman, has filed lawsuits against four leading conservative bloggers in Canada and one website. The list of defendants includes Ezra Levant, Jonathan Kay/National Post, Kate McMillan/Small Dead Animals, Kathy Shaidle/Five Feet of Fury, and Free Dominion.

So what's it about? In official jargon, the parasite lawyer is seeking damages for defamation & libel. From the street, it looks like the parasite lawyer doesn't like being spot lighted for throwing mud, causing grief, abusing the courts for personal vendettas, and generally being a d1ck.

MM simply calls warman a 'sharia-promoting tool', and has some good links for those who want to kick in some funds to fight this type of persecution - 'cause judging from the wind - it's blowing this direction.
