Videos WhatFinger

Saturday, April 19, 2008

This is so very wrong.

From the U.K.:

Padded bras for little girls - 6 y.o. girls!

Have we all gone collectively insane? What is it with this h3ll bent desire to sexualize small children?

The store's excuse for peddling this padded perversion? Modesty.

Jessica sums it up best: "If you need to cover up a six years-olds' non-breasts in order to feel like she's being discreet, there's something wrong with the way you look at six year-old girls."

But wait! There's more. Here in the U.S. of A., a first grader attending government school get labeled as sexual deviant (!) by school officials. Can we spell projection?

EM summed it up best: "Parents around the nation have learned that the proper translation for the phrase 'zero tolerance' means 'complete lack of common sense'.