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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Woman calling herself a man gets pregnant; libs cheer.

I know. The rest of the internet dealt with this thing last week, but it took me awhile to digest all the ramifications (without loosing my lunch).

This thing is wrong on so many levels, I don't know where to begin. The freak show publicity generated by this sadly confused person is nauseating: Oprah fawned (can orpah do anything but?); Libs cheered; the GLBT klatch swooned. Meanwhile, thousands of orphaned & foster kids remain ignored. And 'choice' kills even more 'unwanteds'.

I simply don't think highly of those who surgically mutilate & chemically alter their bodies for confused gender purposes. I find them to be tragic souls, full of self-loathing, and horribly adolescent in their interaction with others who populate this rock. The GLBT artificial insemination simply confirms the assessment with its abomination of nature, and perversion of medical advance.

Let's face it, when the bells toll, and the coroner's work is finished, this woman will still have double 'X' chromosomes, and a skeletal structure that anthropologists, thousands of years from now, will categorize as 'female'.

My guess is God will arrive at the same conclusion. I wonder what her child will think?

TY Cassy Fiano