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Saturday, April 05, 2008

Your Internet provider is watching you

In short, there is no 'right to privacy'. The law says it's a 'private enterprise' thang, and if you don't like the responsibilities or consequences, then don't buy the service (kinda like sub-prime loans).

The specifics of your internet service provider's (ISP) contract is something most folks probably don't read, or, if they do read it, require a parasite lawyer to make heads or tails of the fine print. The devil is in the details:

~ISPs can read your e-mail.
~ISPs can block you from Web sites.
~The ISP is the sole judge of whether something is appropriate.
~ISPs can shut you down for using the connection too much.

Most of these 'cyber tools' are to thwart pornographers, spammers, and (other) evil doers, like islamo-fascists. But....

Go. Read. And surf cautiously. You may hide from your mate, but not Big Business (which the govt. can then subpoena for their records).

In short, there is no 'privacy'. Period. I think we call this progress??