"Krykee! What's that vile stench?!"
"Oh. That's just the latest 2 part, 5 hour long, odious ode to a mass murdering sociopath by director Steven Soderbergh."
"Mass murdering sociopath? You mean that 'che turd', which so many ignorant, marxist loving tools pay capitalists to print his image on their over-priced, sweatshop produced clothes, in total hypocrisy to what they think this mass murdering sociopath stood for?""Yup."
"Looks like many of those Cannes movie goers walked out of that 2 part, 5 hour long, odious ode to a mass murdering sociopath, never to return."
"Yup. His vile stench was so bad that 30% didn't even come back from intermission."
"Gee. There might be hope for this over priced tres chic crowd afterall."
"Go figure."
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist.
Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. - G.K. Chesterton