Daddy's home and none too soon. Better fire up these Texas stogies, call up mah posse, and how the heck do I get this George Strait song out of my head??!
Texas is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Krykee, I never heard so much Spanglish in all my life! Did the FCC move across the Rio Grande? You Texicans better hold an official let's-piss-on Sam-Houston's-grave ceremony, or simply give the state back to Mexico. And what's with all them town eatin' sink holes?? Grand hotels, great food, and catchy tunes, but I'll stay in Missouri, thank you very kindly.
Back to work!
Thank you, speckiegrrl! Maybe next time we can keep the phone calls under one hundred.A big hearty congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hager. They tied the long expected knot Saturday night down in Crawford, Tx. President & Mrs. Bush, and Clennan County, have something to smile about. (click pic for video)
Wowser. We may have lost Texas, but the obamantor found a few more states. 56. 57. Whatever it takes. Just get them imaginary delegates! But the real question is 'can the obamanator spell potato?'
Would you, could you, date a liberal?
Typhoon relief to Burma. For once, it's not the islamo-fascists causing delays and problems - it's the other kind of brutal dictatorship causing delays and problems (more on this later).
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Israel! From Persia, with love?
More later. Gotta go. Have to make a living! sup wit dat?!
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist.
Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. - G.K. Chesterton