Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama refuses public financing

Cue Claude Rains! Or, maybe not.
"Presumptive Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama, who rocketed to his position in part because of his fundraising abilities, announced Thursday morning he will not take public financing for the general election.

Mr. Obama faces charges of hypocrisy since last fall his campaign said he would aggressively consider public financing if the Republican nominee also agreed to do so. When he began to back away from that suggestion during the primary season, his rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton sharply criticized him for going back on his word. Mr. Obama also pledged in a February debate he would sit down with Mr. McCain to try and seek an agreement. A meeting on that topic did not occur."

Jake Tapper, at Political Punch, details the depth of the obamanator's poor judgment concerning this long running issue of public vs private campaign financing. Poor judgment in the sense that his long known political opponent, John McCain - in this, The. Most. Expensive. Presidential. Campaign ~evuh - has consistently shown near runt abilities at fund raising compared to the obamanator:

~In February & November 2007, the obamanator agreed to participate in the presidential public financing system - if his political opponent did the same.
~But, by April 2008 the obamanator seemed to be preparing an argument to opt out.

In a web video to supporters -- "the people who built this movement from the bottom up" -- Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, announced this morning (June 19) that he will not enter into the public financing system, despite a previous pledge to do so.

So, with the obamanator's campaign awash in hundreds of millions of dollars, how long before his willing accomplices in the MSM ask him how much a gallon of gasoline or a loaf of bread cost?

Just curious.