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Monday, July 07, 2008

Nationalized companies own 95% of world's oil reserves

And we wonder why we have sky high oil price troubles.
Right here in River City.
With a capital 'N', and that rhymes with 'M', and that stands for Marxism.

That's right, boys n girls. Big, bad, evil greedy oil companies own only 5% of the World's oil reserves. For those of you edjumacated in gub'mint schools, 'reserves' means that oil which is still untapped; in the earth; and yet to be developed or pumped out.

Sweetness & Light has a good report on how State-Owned Companies Control 95% Of Oil, and why that gub'mint control ~not big bad evil greedy oil companies~ hampers the exploration and drilling of those reserves which, in turn, severely adds to the sky rocketing price of crude worldwide.