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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

NEA still pushing liberal ideology

The group held its annual meeting in D.C. over the July holiday to promote one of its fave pet projects: the LGBT agenda in public gub'mint schools.

Paid for with union dues. Of course.

LGBT is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

NEA's ongoing support of the homosexual agenda is evident on their website, where a National Summit on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Education is advertised. The event, to be held in Chicago July 17-18, is sponsored by NEA.

"We must do more to close the achievement gap. We must ensure that every child is learning and succeeding in school, regardless of race, gender and sexual orientation," Reg Weaver, outgoing president of the nation's largest teachers' union, said on the promotional page.

Why the sexual orientation of any student is the business of any teacher is beyond me. Unless these teachers are perving & using the school yard as a stalking ground. And judging by the avalanche of sex fiend teachers in the news lately, that's not an outlandish statement to make.

It seems to me more prudent and pragmatic to simply promote common courtesy & public politeness toward all individuals, and leave the sex-me-up-a-tot garbage to porn sites & soap operas.
"The NEA leadership has abused its mandate and used teachers' dues to subsidize its liberal ideology, which includes everything from promoting homosexuality and same-sex marriage to contraception in schools and abortion on request," Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, wrote in his Washington Update e-mail.

"It is not the job of the NEA to issue mandates on social and moral issues. To do so is a misuse of members' dues and a misrepresentation of teachers' views," Perkins wrote.

Golly. That would be like promoting a particular philosophical ideology in a tax payer supported venue at tax payer expense for the express purpose of a favorable influence to that particular philosophical ideology.

Kinda like breaching a wall of separation, or something.

And we can't be having that now... Can we.

BTW: Guess which presidential candidate the NEA recently endorsed?

Oh, sure. The obamanator talks about merit pay for teachers - this week. But that's simply to pander 'red' votes. You really don't think the most powerful union lobby in D.C. will allow the most liberal, far leftist senator in congressional history to undermine the most sacred pillar of unionism, do you?