Videos WhatFinger

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sadr City edges back to normalcy

Kids play in the streets; women shop in the markets; and public works crews repair Sadr City's war damage brought about by mookie's thugacracy.

"Security is better without the Mahdi Army," said a 42-year-old resident who wanted to be identified only by his nickname, Abu Israa. "We don't want them back."

"We saw extraordinary progress there," said Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "A few months ago, no one could go into Sadr City. I was able to walk openly down a street that until recently was extremely unsafe, and I'm encouraged by that."

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has pledged $100 million to upgrade the quality of life. The U.S. military is also providing some reconstruction and economic aid to help rebuild parts of Sadr City — with about $4 million already being spent and more on the way.

So where's the defeat-o-crats good buddy, and brilliant (got his butt kicked) military strategist, mookie sadr?

In Iran. Of course.

Gee. Imagine that.